Monday 1 December 2014

The Fox's Reward Act Four Scene One

Just before the court starts Vulpes speaks.


Late afternoon. Music to mark time’s passing. Vupes enters dressed in a new blue hat and cloak. This can be front of curtain or in a spot as the scene is changed if necessary.

Vulpes (to himself, examining his attire)

My wife of craft, my Marguerite’s a marvel.
Not one could ever raise dispute on that.
When time was twirling to a shortened measure,
Her nimble fingers danced to faster tunes.
For she not only speeded cloak’s creation,
So splendid, long, fine-flowing as it is,
But swifter than a stumbling speech could stitch
Description of the act, the deed was done,
And she, excelling any expectation,
Has formed as well this excellent, fine hat,
Completing thus a rapid, full provision
For new appearance in my old profession.

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